Divine Healing I ePDF Downloadable
Divine Healing is a must-read book!! It will help you discover the keys to walking in divine healing and health. I believe divine healing is real. It is not an imagination or assumption. Besides, it is the healing that comes purely from the power of the Holy Spirit in response to people’s faith in God’s Word. It is a healing that takes place because of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You and I were healed by Christ Jesus 2,000 years ago. Our healing is already secured, accomplished, and established. Hence, you don’t have to beg to be healed, since it is our covenant or birthright in Christ Jesus. Unless you see yourself healed by the revelation of God’s Word, it is very hard to receive your healing, which is in Christ Jesus.
In this book, I will show you, with the help of the Holy Spirit, how real our healing in Christ Jesus is. Beloved, when Jesus healed me of the spine and brain condition many years ago, I not only got healed from that spine and brain condition, but Jesus has also kept me healthy until now. Sickness and disease are not God’s will. Instead, the devil is behind them. God wants you to walk in divine healing and health—He doesn’t want to see you sick or afflicted by sickness and disease. Whether you are in Africa, Australia, Europe, Asia, North or South America, God wants you well—He wants you to walk in divine health in Christ Jesus.
Get this book! You will lay hold of the divine keys on how to walk and live in divine health in Christ Jesus all the days of your life. Divine healing and health are your legal rights in Christ Jesus now and forever!!