The Power of Godly Endurance I ePDF Downloadable
The Power of Godly Endurance is a book you can- not ignore to read! It will bring you into realms of divine fellowship with God. Whether in Africa, Australia, Asia, South America, Europe, North America or the USA, no child of God should ever neglect the need to endure hardship. If you and I think endurance is for pastors, bishops, and apostles only, then you have just missed it. I believe endurance is part and parcel of the Kingdom of God. You can’t be a Christian soldier in Christ Jesus and know nothing about endurance.
Many people, even Christians, want shortcuts to life, hence life has cut them short. Beloved, it will always take the test of endurance to arrive at your God-ordained destiny. God must test you before He can trust you with whatever He has prepared for you. Hence, don’t get mad at Him when He tests your faith and loyalty to Him. Besides. Jesus once said in Scripture that only those who shall endure up to the end shall be saved. (Matthew 24:12-13). I believe that is a serious conversation on God’s divine calendar, worthy of honour.
Get this book! You will scale greater heights of wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and spiritual growth in Christ Jesus henceforth.